Hello, welcome to my apartment
It's nice to see someone visiting my little corner of the city. My name is Luxe. I don't get to see a lot of people since I'm always so busy, but it's always great having people over.
I get easily overwhelmed by huge crowds, so having a quiet place to call home is a luxury I'm grateful to have. The slow pace of it all helps me find beauty in the little things that are usually taken for granted, especially with the never-ending traffic of the internet highways. I was raised in an age where the internet was centralized and corporations were starting to take over, each platform even more isolating than the last. I thought I was doomed to accept this reality until I found out that I didn't need to, I could make something to call my own.
Don't worry, no expectations or judgement will be placed upon you here, feel free to let loose. Sit back. Relax. Take your time to look around and see what you find, there's no rush. My doors will always be open to you.
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